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Tips For Getting Business Done On The Golf Course

Many golf enthusiasts take their business to the golf course, perhaps meeting with colleagues or clients to work things out away from the distractions of the office. If you and your guest both enjoy golfing, you'll have a pleasant activity in which to partake while you deal with whatever business you need to complete. Just as it's important to have a plan when you meet in the boardroom, you should also have a strategy for getting your business done properly while playing golf. Here are some tips to keep in mind.

Don't Let It Affect Your Speed Of Play

Before you tee off, you'll see a sign that lists the public golf course's ground rules. Among this list will be a suggested time limit per round. Keep this time in mind and adjust your speed of play accordingly. One way to avoid letting your business discussion affect your speed of play is to communicate while you're driving in the cart. This is preferable to standing at the tee box or on the green to discuss business, as doing so will slow down the length of time it takes you to complete your round.

Wave Others Through

If you find that your business discussion is stretching from the golf cart to the fairway or green, be vigilant about looking for golfers behind you. If you feel that they're faster because of your discussions, you can either stifle the business talk for a hole or two in order to get moving quickly, or simply wave the golfers through.

Have A Goal For Wrapping Up

Many golfers who conduct business during a round of play will make a goal about when to curtain their business discussion. Doing so means they'll simply be able to enjoy the sport after the business talk has wrapped up. For example, you might say, "Let's try to get this worked out by the ninth hole. That way, we'll have the back nine to just enjoy our games."

Continue The Discussion In The Clubhouse

If you aren't done your discussion at your pre-agreed time, there's a simple way to proceed. Play the rest of the round without talking business, as this will give you a chance to digest what you've been talking about, and then invite your colleague or client to the golf course's clubhouse for a snack or a drink after the round. In this environment, you can continue your discussion.

For more information about golfing in general, contact your local public golf course, like Chaska Town Course.
