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Getting The Maximum Enjoyment Out Of Your Hot Tub With The Right Products

Owning a hot tub not only provides a place for you to relax and rejuvenate, it can provide numerous health benefits, especially if you suffer from musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis and chronic lower back pain. You can enhance your enjoyment of your hot tub by investing in products to keep you comfortable and entertained as you luxuriate in warm, bubbling water. In addition, you should also invest in accessories that help you keep the hot tub clean and in good condition.

Rest Your Nerves and Your Body

While soaking in a hot tub is relaxing in and of itself, you can add to the experience with aromatherapy fragrances that you add to the water.

Made of natural oils, plant extracts and essential minerals, these fragrances have numerous therapeutic effects. The specially formulated liquids and spa beads can moisturize your skin, help put you in a relaxed mood, reduce feelings of stress and lessen insomnia symptoms depending on the fragrance you choose.

If you are feeling mentally low and need a pick-me-up, purchase fragrances that can improve your mood such as peppermint, myrrh or patchouli. When you are suffering from menstrual cramps or a headache, choose fragrances that include basil, chamomile or lavender.

Make sure to only purchase products that are manufactured specifically for hot tub use.

Fun, Fun, Fun

Hot tubs are also great places to have some after work and weekend merriment. You can purchase waterproof games and audio equipment to get a fun party started in your hot tub.

Check your favorite department store or online retailers for plastic playing cards so you can enjoy a mean game of poker or gin rummy in your hot tub. If you prefer board games, you can also purchase floating checker and chess boards with big, waterproof pieces. Plastic boats and rubber ducks are also great for hot tub race battles.

If you want to listen to your favorite tunes when you are in the hot tub, many audio equipment retailers sell waterproof speakers, wireless headphones and MP3 players that can connect to a music source via Bluetooth.

You can also purchase waterproof covers for your mobile devices that play music and stream video.

Eat, Drink and Be Merry

Make the hot tub party merrier by making sure you have food and drink readily available in safe containers. Invest in plastic tumblers made to withstand hot water so you can enjoy your favorite treats as you chill and party.

Enjoy a spread of food or drinks with specially designed trays that you can snap on to the side of your hot tub. Some trays include spaces for drinks along with an ample flat surface for snacks.

For a long-term solution, you can also buy trays that can be permanently attached to the side of the hot tub. Whenever you need to use the tray, you can flip it up from the side of the hot tub for an instant food service area.

Long Live the Hot Tub

The best way to keep your hot tub running properly is to keep it clean and protect it from the elements. Over time oil, dirt and bacteria will build up on the surface of the hot tub.

How often you clean the surface depends on how much you use the hot tub. Your cleaning frequency can range anywhere from once a week to every few weeks. You should change the hot tub filter every three to six months. Consult with your hot tub dealer on an ideal maintenance schedule.

When you clean the hot tub, you need to drain it completely and let it dry. Use a non-abrasive spray solution to clean the tub along with a soft cloth. You can purchase suitable cleaning solutions from hot tub retailers.

You can also make a homemade cleaning solution with equal parts white vinegar and water. If the surface has stains, make a paste of white vinegar and baking soda to get rid of the unsightly marks.

During periods when the hot tub is not in use, cover it to keep leaves and debris out of the water. Use the dimensions of your hot tub to make sure you purchase a cover that fits. Any cover you purchase should have a multi-year warranty and be safety-approved by the American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM). Approved covers will have an ASTM label.

For more information about how to make the most of your hot tub, contact a company like Ole's Pool & Spa.
